What are 10 the Types Of Personal Development For Professional Growth

Most people strive for professional growth, especially those who are passionate about their education. Passion is something teachers have plenty of, which is why they are always continuing to grow in every way possible. This benefits them and their students. Followings are 10 types of personal development traits that teachers must have for their professional growth.

 1.     Visiting Classrooms  

Visiting another teacher’s classroom, whether in the same school you teach at or in another school or district, can considerably impact your career. Submerging yourself in a classroom from the perspective of your students can be insightful and help you adjust some of your techniques and curriculum (The Alberta Teacher’s Association, 2022).

2.     Pre-planning a Curriculum

By organizing your lesson plans, skills, and assessments, you’ll see a bigger picture of what your students need to learn throughout the year and plan accordingly so it doesn’t feel like you’re cramming information. Also, after implementing a lesson, going back and adding in notes, add-ons, and ideas help for the upcoming year. In addition, practice makes perfect, going over your lessons the night before implantation helps to review and troubleshoot possible concerns.

3.     Team Curriculum Planning

By collaborating with teachers in the same subject, you’ll be able to gain insight into what’s working for them and what’s not working, and you can work together to come up with the best solutions and lesson plans. In addition, learning from other professionals is a wonderful way to build community and offer and receive support.  

4.     Data Analysis

By collecting and analyzing data, you can see the bigger picture. Whether it be student success rates, student comprehension, curriculum that needs to be adjusted, or it can even help show the support students receive from their teachers and parents, which can be important when gauging students’ success.  

5.     Conferences & Conventions

Conferences and conventions allow for teachers to learn from and alongside like-minded professionals. They can be inspiring, educational, and eye-opening when trying to further your career or learn how to expand your skills (The Alberta Teacher’s Association, 2022). 

6.     Student Success

By looking deeper into your students' success, you will find what lessons have been effective and which ones need work. This can be helpful when planning a curriculum for later in the year. In addition, as you get to know your students, you’ll notice they don’t all learn the same, so this will help you tailor your lesson plans to their individual needs.  

7.     Peer Coaching

Many teachers enjoy receiving feedback from other professionals. This can include having another teacher observe their class, have them overlook lesson plans, and offer constructive criticism (Duke University, 2022). 

8.     Student Teachers / Interns

Hosting a student teacher or intern can be very insightful, even for experienced teachers. It helps to mentor someone since it brings up many of the same practices you used to learn. Also, having someone with a fresh set of eyes asking questions can help you to broaden your horizons and see things from another perspective (Power School). 

9.     Journaling

Keeping track of student success, effective lesson plans, ones that weren’t so great, and how well students responded can be very helpful when planning new lessons for your class (Buffalo State). 

10. Continuing Education

Many teachers enjoy furthering their careers by continuing to take courses themselves. This helps them become better teachers for their students and also better mentors to their peers. Many of these courses can even be accessed online. 


 Buffalo State. (n.d.). Human Resource Management. Professional Development Examples | Human Resource Management | SUNY Buffalo State College. Retrieved April 29, 2022, from https://hr.buffalostate.edu/professional-development-examples

Human resources. Suggested Professional Development Activities | Human Resources. (n.d.). Retrieved April 29, 2022, from https://hr.duke.edu/managers/performance-management/university/performance-evaluation-and-planning/suggested

PD activities for professional growth. Alberta Teachers Association. (2018, June 26). Retrieved April 29, 2022, from https://www.teachers.ab.ca/For%20Members/ProfessionalGrowth/Section%203/Pages/Professional%20Development%20Activities%20for%20Teachers.aspx

Powerschool.com. (n.d.). Retrieved April 29, 2022, from https://www.powerschool.com/blog/the-three-most-common-types-of-teacher-professional-development-and-how-to-make-them-better/