Learn More About Our Coaching Cycle

Explore Our Services

Ei360 works with teachers to analyze practices in the classroom


Ei360 works to align with school culture, practices, and standards


Ei360 works with teacher to create a plan of action




 Program Resources and Tools

✔️ Group Collaboration

EI360’s Learning Management Platform gives our eCoaches the flexibility to address several teachers at once, implementing coherent professional development throughout your entire school.

✔️ Video Library

eCoaches and teachers can access a full library of eLearning video content and video classroom observations.

✔️ Access to Data

Track and measure your results with visual data. Seeing trends and improvements over several coaching cycles can help teachers reach their goals.

✔️ Teacher Portfolios

Teachers can access videos, classroom data, and messages from their eCoach whenever and wherever. Collaboration with other educators is easy through video sharing.



Common Results

One-On-One Educator Support

Ignite Academy's success models what huge strides you can make with eCoaching. By the middle of the year, students in 2nd grade doubled their reading scores from the beginning of the year. Students in 4th grade tripled their scores.

Improved Student Achievement

At Ignite Academy we improved teacher performance. A high performing teacher increases their students' retention of materials at 5-6 times more than average.

Interactive Teaching Content

We assist teachers with creating interactive, content-focused lessons for their students. At Ignite, our coaches worked one-on-one with teachers on exit slips, student assignment submissions, and small group reading lessons, all with the priority of student achievement.

Improving District And Student Performance
With Teacher Training

Principals can easily access and understand our data tracking system in order to view teacher growth in real time. This technology offers a bird's eye view of the entire school, helping you monitor overall learning targets and teacher goals.

NWEA Assessment


 The Pillars of Our Coaching Cycle

These Standards Are Essential To Helping Our Clients Grow.

Analyze: The analysis phase is integral to our program and sets the tone for future coaching. Our eCoaches observe teachers in the classroom and identify multiple areas for possible development.

Align: Coaches and teachers need to always be on the same page. At Ei360, we align directly with teachers during several online and in-person check-ins, and make sure we're always available through our online platform.

Act: We create solutions for your teachers to act on right away. We give you the tools and information to help close gaps identified during classroom analysis. These solutions teach educators new skills or help them build upon existing strengths.

Ei360's coaching Cycle for schools Analyze, Act, Align


Effective Coaching Research

Instructional Coaching In Relation To Student Achievement

eCoaches can help teachers increase their new skill implementation by 80-90%. Research from TNTP demonstrated a significant relationship between the frequency of coaches reviewing assessment data with reading teachers and students achieving higher reading levels.

Without eCoaching support, teachers' average new skill implementation rate is 19% or less.

eCoaching has been linked to increased teacher retention. All Teachers who participated in our e-Instructional Coaching System are still at their school site. Ei360 has a 100% teacher retention rate.

According to users of the program, access to an eCoach was associated with ``significant improvement in average annual gains in reading.``

Are you an instructional coach looking to grow, connect, and make a greater impact?

-Download our free equity sheet and Join our Equity Coaching Community—a space where passionate coaches collaborate, learn, and lead with equity at the forefront. Let’s elevate coaching together!

Instructional Coach working with teacher

Student Ownership in the Classroom

Coaching teachers can play a pivotal role in fostering student ownership in the classroom by providing guidance and support as teachers implement strategies that empower students to take charge of their learning. Effective coaching involves observing teachers in action, identifying areas for improvement, and collaborating with teachers to develop and refine their instructional practices. By working closely with teachers, coaches can help them cultivate a classroom environment that promotes student engagement, self-direction, and a sense of ownership over the learning process.

Educational Innovation 360 (EDUCATIONAL INNOVATION 360) specifically supports new teachers in promoting student ownership through its comprehensive coaching program. EDUCATIONAL INNOVATION 360's coaches are trained to recognize and nurture student ownership behaviours in the classroom, providing new teachers with concrete examples and strategies for fostering this mindset. Coaches work with new teachers to develop lesson plans that incorporate student choice, voice, and agency, encouraging them to involve students in setting learning goals, selecting learning activities, and assessing their own progress.

EDUCATIONAL INNOVATION 360 also provides new teachers with access to a wealth of resources and professional development opportunities focused on promoting student ownership. These resources include online modules, webinars, and workshops that explore various strategies for empowering students to take ownership of their learning. Additionally, EDUCATIONAL INNOVATION 360 coaches connect new teachers with a network of peers and mentors who share a commitment to fostering student ownership, providing them with a supportive community for sharing ideas and problem-solving.


Ready to get started?