Teaching Observations, Instructional Coaching

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A Productive Rant About K-12 Online Learning: Prepare, Adapt, And Shift Your Pedagogy

With the growth in technology and teacher technical capabilities, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are increasingly being harnessed at home. Online learning was once reserved for the self-disciplined student who had access to technology and the internet but since Covid-19 elearning has been normalized for all learners. This pandemic has created one system for all teachers and students, therefore, changing the landscape of education form now until probably next year.

The question remains, can this type of learning forum be applicable to K-12 students and their families to sustain at least until the end-of-the-year? Well, it may not be their choice due to schools being closed but what we know for sure is that parents specifically selected a school within their district that would provide what they think is best for their children. Parents who’ve selected their specific schools know and understand that face-to-face works better for their child.

Is There A Disconnect Between Preparation and Practice?

Students’ ability to connect with their teachers is one of the important aspects of elearning. Online learning forums provide asynchronous ways to connect. K-12 school are using different platforms within Canvas and PowerSchool to support their students while many are still using Goggle Docs to piecemeal lessons together. There is a huge learning curve that not many people are not talking about, many teacher were asked to teach online with a weekend’s notice. I’m not sure how YOU would perform under this type of pressure but teachers are resilient for adapting to the change within 48 hours. This was a challenge because how teachers prepare for online learning differs from traditional ways; as they need to be more abreast of technologies such as having computer literacy skills to prepare and present PowerPoint presentations on zoom or using loom while writing on their virtual white-board, which is pertinent videos of themselves providing instruction, and to engage with students via a chat forum.

K-12 Teachers are less familiar with this generally speaking thus there is a change in preparation and practice. Is there a disconnect between the two? Sure… A study by Tadd Farmer and Richard West, published as the ‘Exploring the Concerns of Online K-12 Teachers’ in the Journal of Online Learning Research, conveys the experiences of K-12 educators in an online learning world. Farmer and West (2019) state ‘In order to produce online teachers capable of creating and delivering meaningful learning experiences for students, teacher education, and pro­fessional development programs they must better understand the experiences of online K-12 educators’ (Farmer & West, 2019, pg. 98).

It is only natural that K-12 Teachers adapt to online learning as much as students need to; being that teacher preparation for students in the US had only a week to become knowledgable and proficient. Teachers need to develop (or further enhance) self-efficacy in delivering online learning to students as do students because they are no longer under direct instruction within a physical classroom. Farmer and West (2019) suggest that Teachers may feel inadequate when it comes to online learning and therefore, based on this notion, a disconnect between preparation and practice could occur. There have been issues in traditional classrooms such as the quality of instructional material (Farmer & West, 2019, pg. 99) and this applies also to online learning.

Quick Teacher Transition and Feeling Good About Growth

EdSurge the Connected Classroom

It is highly important to engage students with quality learning content and methodologies such as audio-visual/Information and Communication Technology usage. Understanding various resources can truly aid Teachers and students. It can foster lifelong learning in preparing students for the future beyond school as most workplaces. Putting the preparation of learning materials into practice is important; how a Teacher instills a culture of self-efficacy and motivation to learn via online platforms is integral as is how they provide instruction and content. Uploading videos of themselves providing a presentation is a conducive way to engage students in audio-visual stimulation and still allow them to feel connected as if in a classroom.

The connection sense is important as many students learn because of a sense of connection with their Teacher. Yes, you will have to build a new culture, norms, as well as an understanding of what is expected in behavior and learning engagement. Additionally, teachers need to feel connected with their students, they tend to have the students’ best interests at heart, and therefore develop effective preparation and practice methodologies to foster optimal outcomes for students.


Farmer, T. & West, R. (2019). Exploring the Concerns of Online K-12 Teachers. Journal of Online Learning Research. Vol. 5. Issue 1.

Schroeder, B. (2019). ‘Disrupting Education. The Rise Of K-12 Online And The Entrepreneurial Opportunities’. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernhardschroeder/2019/08/14/disrupting-education-the-rise-of-k-12-online-and-the-entrepreneurial-opportunities/#227bfcdd48a2