Doesn't anybody want to teach?

So we know teachers will never be billionaires, the average teacher gets about $56,000 , of course higher in urban districts and lower in rural areas.  With charter schools as well the salaries fell in recent years so many teacher are leaving the profession and many are no enrolling in teacher program.  In California, enrollment in teaching programs are down more than 50% over the past five years. Enrollment in teacher programs are also down in Texas, North Carolina, and New York.California also have over 21,000 teaching position to fill, Districts laid off or eliminated some 80,000 teaching jobs between 2008 and 2012 during the recession.  Still believe it or not some people around the country, have a six-figure salary like Hope Harrold in Washington, D.C. after 14 years of teaching.[embed][/embed]This seems unusual but once you put in the time and remain in a sustainable district you are able to make moves down the scale and with a master’s degree and 10-15 years you can really do well.  This year, 765 teacher in the D.C. schools earned $100,000 or more, including bonuses.  Have you heard of Impact Plus that Rhee negotiated with teachers unions?  If not you need to read up on this, although I don’t agree with incentivizing teachers, this is a solution to the shortage.   Unions are the way to go, weather you feel good, bad, or indifferent towards them.  Yes, it’s OK to love teaching but make sure you have either a duel income, sustainable situation, or a master’s degree so you too can make six-figures too.