Practical Advice For Teachers Who Have Moved Their Reading Comprehension Online
Even though online learning is growing, the learning rate of online students frequently lags behind that of classroom students. Reading online according to child psychologist suggests that 8 is the magic number. This is where families and third-grade teachers focus on online extensive reading and this is when 8-year-olds begin to explore the Internet. Students are starting to use search engines, evaluating websites, and reading online which are invaluable skills that are introduced at this age but what about comprehension? There is an ongoing concern about students who struggle in this area especially now that everything is online but what many educators do not realize is; even though we are pivoting we must still include the following below:
First Year Teaching Tales- Pinterest
Developing prior knowledge
Connecting text to visuals and using comprehension skills and strategies while predicting
Keywords and vocabulary so students can discuss the text
Themed units and connecting “Read Aloud” books and concepts to make further connections
Teachers in Online Courses
Research indicates that teachers’ education goes beyond the bachelor’s degree, some have master’s degrees or have added to their certification. Even with the additional training, many teachers do not have the training required to teach K12 students online, they were taking online classes and it is not the same.
The concern here is the fact that there are very few courses offering online teacher training. Classroom teaching traditionally requires a set schedule for the course work to be done, students visible to the teacher in assigned seats (synchronous method). Online courses do not work the same as in classroom teaching as teachers have to manage students who log in at different times during the day (asynchronous method).
Practicing Online Provides Stamina
Research has revealed that online students show only about half the progress of students in a face-to-face learning environment. The same research did show that students K-12 who spent more than three academic years in online learning not only caught up with their face-to-face counterparts but actually surpassed them. That is “When online learning is done right!”
Research reveals once the adjustment is made from classroom learning to online learning students do get better with time. This recovery was more pronounced in reading than in math.
Reading comprehension has three elements:
❖ The reader is comprehending- decoding the text, understanding while putting concepts into practice
❖ The text being comprehended- Students can apply new knowledge
❖ The activity that is part of comprehending- Activity assesses Blooms Taxonomy
Looking into online reading research researchers found that there is a lack of focus. Currently, students are online but use it for enjoyment and in a social setting therefore can swipe away things that are challenging for them but just like test-taking-strategies things take time and training happens with practice.
Online Reading Matters
With the stagnation of literacy levels, reading requirements for online courses should matter and be considered when working with new teachers. With access to increased information, online reading is more important than ever for students to become critical thinkers as they navigate the global marketplace. To keep pace with the 21st century learning online reading needs to be given more attention for a more literate society.
Dixie D. Massey. 2019. The University Of Washington.