Effective Change Begins From Within; School Team Collaboration Initiates Change
Though it is widely accepted that collaboration is a valuable tool for school improvement, there are numerous ways in which collaboration can be defined and enacted. Some researchers argue that collaboration should involve all stakeholders in the education system, while others claim that teacher collaboration is the key to improving student achievement. To better understand the benefits of teacher collaboration, this article will review the existing research on the topic.
The Benefits of Collaboration
There are many benefits of collaboration in school improvement. First, research has shown that teacher collaboration can improve student achievement. Mora-Ruano et al. (2019) found that teacher collaboration improved student achievement in Germany, and Meyer et al. (2020) found that principal leadership practices can promote teacher collaboration and organizational change. These studies suggest that collaboration is an effective means of improving school outcomes.
In addition to improving student achievement, collaboration can also lead to increased job satisfaction and retention. A study by Bolam et al. (2005) found that teachers who were more satisfied with their jobs were more likely to stay in their current positions. They also found that collaborative working relationships were associated with increased job satisfaction. These findings suggest that collaboration can help to create a positive work environment, which can, in turn, lead to increased retention of quality educators.
How to Promote Teacher Collaboration in Your School or District
Slater says that "the trend towards the reinvention of teacher professionalism has become a theme for school reform. The basic tenet within the reform of teacher professionalism is the belief that teachers themselves will have the greatest responsibility for the improvement of practice"(Slater, 2004). To promote teacher collaboration in your school or district, it is essential to create an environment that supports and encourages collaboration. This can be done by supplying opportunities for professional development that focus on collaborative team-building exercises. In addition, principals can model collaborative leadership practices and provide time for teachers to work together on planning and problem-solving activities.
The Challenges of Teacher Collaboration
Though there are many benefits of teacher collaboration, there are also some challenges that need to be considered:
It can be challenging to define what collaboration looks like in practice.
Teachers may not have the time or resources required to engage in collaborative activities.
Some teachers may resist collaborating with their colleagues due to job autonomy or professional identity concerns.
Despite the challenges, teacher collaboration is a powerful tool for school improvement. Teachers can share best practices, solve problems more effectively, and improve student achievement when working together. Collaboration is a critical component of school improvement. It is vital to create an environment that supports and encourages collaboration. This can be done by giving opportunities for professional development that focus on collaborative team-building exercises.
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Bolam, R., McMahon, A., Stoll, L., Thomas, S., Wallace, M., Greenwood, A., Hawkey, K., Ingram, M., Atkinson, A., Smith, M., (2005). Creating and sustaining effective professional learning communities - UCL. Retrieved from: https://dera.ioe.ac.uk/5622/1/RR637.pdf
Mora-Ruano, J. G., Heine, J.-H., & Gebhardt, M. (2019). Does teacher collaboration improve student achievement? analysis of the German Pisa 2012 sample. Frontiers. Retrieved from https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/feduc.2019.00085/full
Slater, L. (2004). Collaboration: A Framework for School Improvement. The University of Calgary. Retrieved from https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ984546.pdf.
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