Summer is Here! What are you going to do during this time?


What are you going to do in the summer?  Please tell me, I truly want to know!  My summer consist of reading, conferencing, providing teacher Professional development, and traveling with my family.  I have a few books I would love to read about elearning and coaching.  Jim Knight does wonderful research on coaching practices and I will forever be a learner.  I will be attending several local conference on technology in education in which I hope to see you there!  I also will be presenting at conferences so I can stay connected to the teaching community.

Hosting PD at the University

This summer I will host three Professional Developments at my university, I hope to take teachers around to the different departments so they can explore how themes can be connected and an interdisciplinary approach is necessary for our 21st century learners. Last, but not least, traveling will be amazing this year.  I get to travel to Beijing, China.  It is my hopes that I can bring a new and fresh perspective on global learning being that they have really refined the market on global learning for language.


Here are the top things teachers do during their summer vacation by ThoughtCo.

  • Get away from it all- A teacher must be "on" every day of the school year. It is essential to take the summer vacation and do something away from school.

  • Try Something New- Expand your horizons. Take up a hobby or enroll in a course away from your teaching subject matter.

  • Do Something Just for Yourself- Get a massage. Go to the beach. Go on a cruise.

  • Reflect on Last Year's Teaching Experiences- Think back over the previous year and identify your successes and your challenges. While you should spend some time thinking about both, concentrate on the successes.

  • Be Informed About Your Profession- Read the news and know what's happening within education. Today's legislative acts could mean a big change in tomorrow's classroom environment.

  • Maintain Your Expertise- You can always learn more about the topic you teach. Check out the latest publications.

  • Choose a Few Lessons to Improve - Pick 3-5 lessons that you feel need improvement. Maybe they just need enhancing external materials or maybe they just need to be scrapped and rewritten.

  • Assess Your Classroom Procedures - Do you have an effective tardy policy? What about your late work policy?

  • Inspire Yourself- Spend some quality time with a child, your own or someone else's. Read about famous educators and inspirational leaders.

  • Take a Colleague to Lunch - It's better to give than to receive. As the school year approaches, teachers need to know how much they are appreciated.

This is your time!

Now is the time to recharge!  We need you to be refreshed for the year to come.  I love it when teachers come back after the summer break, they are ready and excited to take on a new challenge.  Spend this time on YOU.