As middle schoolers transition from preteens get ready to engage in discussion. Understand the developmental phase and make sure you recognize student triggers, experiment with different forms of communication, and take the small things seriously.
Read MoreChildren who do not have a solid foundation in Elementary and are encouraged in Middle School have extremely low turnouts in college so… why hasn’t it changed?
Read MoreMiddle school can be a challenge and there are several warning signs to look out for so keep your eyes open and get ready to create supportive services that will help a new population thrive every year.
Read MoreMiddle schoolers struggle to build a stable foundation in their new environment; schools must do more to build a bridge from their elementary school to their new space.
Read MoreMiddle School is one of the most challenging times in our students’ lives. They are growing, developing, and boy are they musty! I have a child in middle school so I can see the transformation that I often read about.
Read MoreWhat happens when you allow students the opportunity to explore? At Brightworks, a student might get cut, have bloody knuckles, or get a nasty bruise but students are allowed to be curious and build while using tools and solving real-world problems.
Read MoreThe effort to encourage students to remain in school focuses on increasing achievement, a sense of belonging, and positive behaviors.
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