Blended learning programs are a great educational method to teach some of society's most vulnerable populations… so what has your school done to change?
Read MoreEven though there is no clear connection between middle school culture and predicting AYP scores; something must be done to transform the next generation.
Read MoreCoaching schedules should be made public, up-to-date and create time for the coach to spend time in the classrooms; if you are not organized then things can get a little crazy.
Read MoreWith the pandemic underway; companies like Ei360 and others have started to refocus their efforts on Diversity, Equity, and inclusion, as well as Social-Emotional, Learning techniques. This is now becoming the priority in every school.
Read MoreTeachers are often are hesitant to implement new ideas or practices and coaches help them with this daily … every school needs a coach!
Read MoreIn the corporate world, mobile learning offers an opportunity to reach workers out of their work environment so why haven't we tried much in the K12 sector?
Read MoreLet’s focus on collecting and analyzing student work then working backward from that point for a successful student-centered coaching session.
Read MoreThere is a statistically significant relationship between effective leadership of principals and student achievement, so.. here are the 21 things that we recommend.
Read MorePrincipals are vital to school success and we know that they play a huge role in retaining effective teachers so why aren’t they staying?
Read MoreChildren who do not have a solid foundation in Elementary and are encouraged in Middle School have extremely low turnouts in college so… why hasn’t it changed?
Read MoreWe know and understand that students truly benefit from teachers having a coach. Having someone else to talk to helps… because teachers are alone in their classrooms for the majority of the day.
Read MoreMany teachers in the world are taking it upon themselves to train themselves and others in their building in online education.
Read MoreMany schools and parents are choosing to implement digital learning as part of a child's learning experience we must remove barriers for students to access our content.
Read MoreFor the Fall, students must identify current issues that will affect their generation and understand the social issues of their time so let’s teach it EVEN if it’s not in your curriculum.
Read MoreIn order for online learning resources to be effective, the lessons must promote engagement with the students as a group, relevant to both the material being taught and the age of the students, and interesting enough to keep student’s minds from wandering, so what are you doing?
Read MoreSchools are working in K12 organizations and are dealing with unpredictable events, this is crisis leadership so how are we supporting the people that we lead?
Read MoreA Blended Learning program is how it can be personalized to each student, improving areas, where they are struggling and encouraging them in areas where they are flourishing so, have you tried the flex model?
Read MoreMuch of online learning is understanding each child's environment and family involvement is key. So, we must do more to connect with families!
Read MoreWe know that there are best practices when it comes to (PD) so here are a few that schools can reference but keep in mind that times are changing and with technology, we can make our current vision a reality.
Read MoreDepending on the type of program and the amount of data required, some researchers really do not know if the program they created has achieved its goals until a few years later. Yes, we are all trying to move beyond trial and error.
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