What happens when new teachers leave immediately from school? We are starting to see an increase in new teachers leaving the classroom during their first year of teaching, this is hard when schools are already facing staff shortages due to the pandemic.
Read MoreAfter graduation, teachers are excited! This is the first opportunity they will have to develop their own classroom. Welp, that excitement changes after the first week so what are you doing to ensure teachers get exactly what they need to thrive.
Read MoreThe 2020 pandemic was not just a little push, it just exacerbated many of the issues the educational system was already facing.
Read MoreInclusion is a human right! It’s about giving equal access and opportunities, so how is your school removing barriers?
Read MoreOnline learning can be great but we are witnessing districts strugge to provide support to teachers in this new online space.
Read MoreThe best way to engage educators in learning is to allow them to have a choice in what they are learning about. Do you ever ask teachers about their interests?
Read MoreWe truly believe that learning can be both delivered in small bursts or lengthier content but as times change educators must change with the times and meet the needs of Our Gen Z students.
Read MoreIn the last five years, there has been a boom in five different types of learning. As of now, the foundations for these five new learning trends are in development but they will be critical as the Year 2030 approaches so embrace them today!
Read MoreAs educational leaders, it is our job to make professional learning opportunities meaningful and engaging so include teachers in the discussion.
Read MoreLet this be the year where you set SMART goals for yourself as a teaching professional.
Read MoreIn our teacher preparation programs, we must provide adequate experiences for our students so they understand that learning takes place through building relationships.
Read More“Learnie Enterprise” brings private Community-based User-Generated Microlearning to businesses and organizations to capture the power of their communities and make learning easier, faster, more fun and more cost-effective.
Read MoreWhile some districts have reopened, many districts struggle to provide consistent education to students leaving a wider academic gap. I worry for this next generation and their learning loss.
Read MoreWhat if teachers selected an area to explore, expand, and implement into their schools? I know these experiences would help ignite the next generation of students.
Read MoreMicrolearning consists of small learning units and short-term learning activities which enhance learning and performance for students. Here is how to begin!
Read MoreDid you know that 560 school districts have at least one school with a four-day schedule? So if Colorado, New Mexico, and Idaho have embraced it, then what are you waiting for?
Read MoreEveryone is using their cell phone too much and YES, it’s a society-wide problem. Try to use these 10 mindfulness tips in school that may help get you through the day!
Read MoreWhy should we teach social-emotional skills in elementary school? This article examines the long-term benefits of SEL programs.
Read MoreHow about we build the capacity of our school and work with our students to co-design their instruction…
Read MoreOne of the best outcomes of implementing personalized learning in a face-to-face environment is access. Why can’t individual students take courses that rely more on their personal interests?
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