Posts in Intrinsic Motivation
Transforming Lives Through the Arts: How COCA’s Programs Empower Underserved Students

How can arts education transform the lives of students—especially those from underserved communities? At COCA (Center of Creative Arts) in St. Louis, innovative programs like the Talent Identified Program (TIP) and the Honors Program provide professional-level training in dance, theater, voice, creative writing, and visual arts.

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Maximize Learning: Strategies for Teachers in Block Scheduling

Block scheduling presents several unique challenges for teachers. With class times sometimes stretching up to 90 minutes or longer, it can be problematic to maintain students' attention and engagement throughout the entire period, However, with a few key strategies and tools, educators can make the change in their clasroom instruction…

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Transforming School Libraries for BIYOC: Using a Racial Equity Lens to Improve Library Instruction.

Get ready to revolutionize school libraries with a racial equity lens! Join us in exploring how we can make school libraries even better for BIYOC. Discover the top 5 ways to improve library instruction and see the impact it has on students' lives.

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Beyond Grades: The Importance of Measuring Non-Cognitive Variables for Student Success

What is the importance of measuring non-cognitive variables in education, such as personal competencies that are not easily quantified, to ensure the growth and success of students? Well, check out five ways in which non-cognitive variables can be assessed in the classroom.

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Top 4 Ways Students Can Have A Voice In Your Classroom

When students feel like they have a say in the classroom, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated learners so what are you doing to ensure they have a voice?

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Maintaining the Conversation While Teaching Thematic Concepts

Classroom conversations are challenging because teachers are responsible for Increasing the stakes; while raising the bar on what students have been concentrating on, encouraging more students to participate in the discussion, and playing devil’s advocate to insert a new lens of learning.

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6 Things About How Can Self-Study Benefit Your Students You'll Kick Yourself for Not Knowing

When students take a more hands-on approach to learning, motivation comes naturally giving them the opportunity to grow and use the curriculum as a guide to true learning pathways. How are you ensuring that each student has the ability to explore their passion?

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How to Create a Classroom that Meets the Needs of Adolescent Learners

Adolescents are pushed by two significant factors; first, their need for independence, and they are then drawn by their need for belonging so, YES, this should be your focus for the year.

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Have A Lasting Effect On Your Students: The 6 Traits Of Life-Changing Teachers

Every year, I get to watch my students grow to become successful citizens, they check in on me from time to time yet, I am so humbled to have a small influence in their lives even if it was for only one year.

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What are the Long-Term Benefits of Teaching Social-Emotional Skills in Elementary School

Why should we teach social-emotional skills in elementary school? This article examines the long-term benefits of SEL programs.

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How Can Learning Connect Students With An Authentic Audience For Their Work?

We would like for every student to take a leadership role in their learning. So, how are the students in your district teaching while learning from others?

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