For most individuals, the term “collaborative learning” really sounds strange. But the meaning of this term is very simple, as it is already being applied in almost all learning institutions – knowingly and unknowingly to us. Collaborative learning is necessary for growth
Read MoreWhat if I told you that teachers can receive their own support system. With the use of today’s technology, it is now possible! Everyone needs a coach! Coaches provide an outside perspective and can see things that we may be doing wrong, or need to do better, which can help us perform at a higher level
Read MoreIf you are excited about online resources and learning! Here are some coding opportunities for you!
Read MoreThe technological world now has a mind blowing effect in the society which also includes the way education has evolved. If statistical figures are anything to go by
Read MoreSocial and Emotional Learning is the process through which children effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions
Read MoreAs a beginning of the year coaching you want to be successful… right? In order to be effective as a literacy coach you have to understand that your teachers are not children. There is a slight learning curve that comes along with becoming a new coach
Read MoreIf you have a student in need of support or that are in risk of falling further behind. These are programs that will help. According to Nancy and Robert an effective pull-out program for students fall into these three categories.
Read MoreOf course we know that when parents feel welcomed and are invited in the school often they are more likely to be involved in their children’s education.
Read MoreThe beginning of the year is so exciting for teachers and coaches, you get the freedom to imagine your what things could be. There is so much inspiration from teachers and so many people to meet
Read MoreAs a beginning of the year coaching you want to be successful… right? In order to be effective as a literacy coach you have to understand that your teachers are not children
Read MoreIntroducing virtual reality to students who are just kids can be overwhelming both to the student and the teacher. However, if harnessed properly, virtual reality can be a great lesson aid in the classroom
Read MoreMembers of a school community experience their environment through school climate, meaning a place where they feel safe, where they can engage and feel successful
Read MoreWhy don’t we learn about investing in schools? Today, you can take wood-shop or auto as an elective but not take a class on investing; where did we go wrong? When we talk about literacy
Read MoreCan you or your child survive in the 21st century? Well, if you are a 45 year old mother struggling to get a job because you do not know how to use a computer, or an immigrant that doesn’t understand that you can call your family for free
Read MoreAre you intelligent? When you are confronted with problems, what are your next steps? There are certain attributes or habits of mind that intelligent learners need to have in order to help them be successful throughout their lives.
Read MoreUnleash the emergency credentials, we need help in urban schools! I know, and you are right, an emergency teaching certificate is not the ultimate solution but it’s a start. In emergency teacher credentialing
Read MoreWe understand that in order to reach global communication you need to use the World Wide Web. Technology connects us in ways we would couldn’t imagine 20 years ago.
Read MoreI love inclusion… but things are changing in the school systems. It is becoming a challenge for teachers. Teachers share that they struggle with classroom management and parents are concerned about the pace of instruction
Read MoreWhat is dual enrollment, and is it something aspiring college students should do? If you are a high school student who wants to get some or all of your college core courses completed by the time you graduate high school
Read MoreWe do this so that our students can really become more efficient in asking better questions. A Habit of Mind is a pattern of intellectual behaviors that leads to productive actions.
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