With technology in the classroom, there is no limit to the number of ways to use it. There should not be a dominance of technology over traditional teaching and learning methods. There must be a delicate balance that meets the needs of our students; the end-user.
Read MoreTeachers are working hard utilizing various resources just to be able to deliver content that is digestible to students and redefinition is one way.
Read MoreUtilizing the SAMR model allows teachers to incorporate Modification practices throughout their schools, which can increase their effectiveness and connect students to a community of learners.
Read MoreSome schools are looking at the possibility of not returning to campus until January. We cannot afford to lose a year of effective instruction so we as teachers have the ongoing challenge of getting distance learning right.
Read MoreIf the decision to go 100% online was made in March, there would have been adequate time to support teachers through the SAMR stages but many schools waited and waited until now (a week before school is in) to make the decision to go hybrid or fully online which is causing chaos everywhere.
Read MoreThe teacher practicum program covers the essentials of online learning theory as well as technologies utilized in teaching online so that it catered for the Teachers who had little or no experience with online teaching and were less technologically-capable. How are your schools adapting to change?
Read MoreThrough this summit, I hope to spark the next generation of Instructional leaders, teachers, and learners. I have assembled a team that pushes the envelope of teaching and learning; our speakers have re-defined what it means to educate in the 21st century.
Read MoreAt the most fundamental level, access to professional development is still an ongoing concern; we work hard to support our instructional leaders with innovative practices that will help educators throughout the year. FOR FREE
Read MoreK-12 who spent more than three academic years in online learning not only caught up with their face-to-face counterparts but actually surpassed them. That is “When online learning is done right!”
Read MoreIt is obvious that teachers need support so they can be better prepared to teach online as online learning requires a different set of skills than a traditional face-to-face environment. So… Were you training in college on how to support students online?
Read MoreThe United States alone has one of the highest high-school dropout rates in the world. I believe online learning is a start but we must prepare our classrooms for non-traditional students because if we don’t; the cycle will continue.
Read MoreWe know in K12 Masks will more than likely be mandatory, temperatures will be taken daily, and hands washed or sanitized quite often but try telling a first grader who just turned 6 to cover their nose and mouth for over 10 minutes. This fall will be a challenge to school districts around the world.
Read MoreFor online collaborative learning to succeed teachers must create a learning experience with the student in mind. It also takes time to design and develop a meaningful course that includes collaborative learning.
Read MoreMany parents may want to rush to K12 online schools but some schools struggle to meet the demand of every student.
Read MoreOur world is digital! Online learning is necessary for our students to be relevant in our current context. So what are you going to do during the summer to prepare?
Read MoreMeasuring engagement of students is also a huge factor if you want your online teaching to have any impact at all. So, how are teachers identifying different ways to meet individual student needs?
Read MoreTeachers are resilient yet, have to find creative ways to implement a new curriculum with the tools they already have. Here are some ideas that will get them started to plan for the fall.
Read MoreThis digital age has brought many changes, including a lot of new proficiencies that are required from a person to be considered “literate”. but.. uh… simply reading online or subscribing to an eBook service does not a make a student digitally literate.
Read MoreThe sense of connection is much more important than the content at this point. Yes, you will have to build a new online culture and social norms.
Read MoreWe at Educational Innovation 360 are excited to share that the educational field paradigm is changing form industrial-age to a learner-centered information-age paradigm.
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