Comprehension has been an ongoing struggle in Urban Schools. We already know that enhancing a student’s background knowledge is a strong indicator for earning potential so why don’t we spend more school time on making connections to academic content, pushing subjects across disciplines
Read MoreThe internet has created many opportunities to connect with the community but what if the community doesn’t have access? In many urban areas, students and their families struggle to support their teacher in the classroom when it comes to technology.
Read MoreWhile the letter grading system has been a staple used across the nation, it has proven to be ineffective in truly assessing a child’s abilities and preparedness for college or the workplace.
Read MoreTo be successful in a teaching career will take a lot of hard work and dedication. But above all, it will take an efficient design of support for teachers to make right actions and provide quality learning to the students
Read MoreIn improving the education system, as well as the awareness of students to learn more, it is essential to acknowledge the interest and engagement of the students to use technology
Read MoreMost online learning programs are marketed as practically similar to, or even better than, classroom programs. Online education is believed to be more convenient, as learners do not have to devote time and effort to go to actual classrooms.
Read MoreThis is the real life, and in the real life, people might not end up doing what they actually wanted to do when they were kids. In other words, living the dream might not be common to a lot of people in the work place
Read MoreUrban Teachers are the Superstars of the city! I enjoyed my college experience, but my preparation programs didn’t really prepare me for what happens in urban schools.
Read MoreIf you really want to make a drastic change this year, try the One Word Resolution! When you focus on one word every day, all year long, you are creating a new habit
Read MoreToy drives, food drives, and donations are regular occurrences in K-12 schools and students enjoy giving gifts or food to get extra points for class competitions, or just to help another organization in need
Read MoreThe world is now a digital village. Everything we do can be brought together and put into perspective using a network of communication. The subject of digital citizenship and literacy is very important in our lives today
Read MoreI doubt that there are a lot of people who have an in-depth knowledge of what this term means. Personalized learning is very important for teachers because it helps to change the perspective of how they handle students
Read MoreThere are several School Organizational leaders that I meet with regularly ranging from District leaders, principals, to Instructional Coaches and the one thing that they commonly share is this feeling of isolation and disengagement from their peers and colleagues in the workplace.
Read MoreWith the constant push of the internet and its advancements’ micro-blogging isn’t to far behind. Microblogging is where Blogging and instant messaging meet! This advancement allows people to share information with an audience in a short form that is connected to an already active community
Read MoreAre you ready for Cameras in the classroom? There has been a growing trend on the usage of cameras in the classroom to support teachers. Teacher preparation and support has become recent trend in the United States.
Read MoreEven at elementary school age, children today have smartphones. They were practically born into the information age and everything they do basically revolves around technology
Read MoreSelf reflection and video recording in the classroom is starting to become normal occurrence. Individual teachers are starting to upload their individual classroom videos and receive feedback from Instructional Coaches
Read MoreIt can be challenging for Instructional Coaches to select a focus for the year. Yes, an Instructional Coaching agreement with your administration can help, but what if the principal changes their vision throughout the year?
Read MoreThe world today has evolved. We are in the digital age and everything in and around us has transcended to ICT. Now, we even wonder as to how people survived when there was no internet or the kind of advancement we have in technology today
Read MoreThere are many ways Instructional Coaches can support the teachers in the classroom, but many times agreements must be in place before coaching begins
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