Being An Instructional Coach Is Hard Work, So Find Your 'Why' And Stay In The Coaching Game!

Instructional Coaching is hard. It’s sometimes stressful but it is so rewarding! I get to do research on the job, connect with teachers, and help people achieve their goals!

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Social And Emotional Skills; A New Learning Curve

Prework must be done to improve coaching effectiveness, whether you are the coach or the teacher receiving coaching. How much work have you done to implement PD in Social Emotional Learning?

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Coaching Is An Effective Tool To Help Your Team Improve

Coaching, mentoring, and leadership development are related for sure. Each has its own set of strengths and weaknesses, but what all three types of programs have in common is that they focus on the future.

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Unleash The Emergency Credentials Now! Schools Are Struggling to Make it to Christmas

Did you know, In Utah, you no longer need a teaching degree to teach; all you need is relevant professional experience? I’m not sure if we are ready to go there yet... let’s start by maybe increasing the teacher's salaries.

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What is the Importance of Professional Development for Classroom Teachers

No teacher has all the answers, regardless of how knowledgeable or experienced they are. Click here to learn about the importance of professional development for classroom teachers.

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Can Afterschool Programs help with learning loss?

Cocurricular Activities can help address learning loss by providing students with experiences outside the classroom that apply the knowledge acquired in the classroom so why haven’t you partnered with your afterschool program?

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5 Ways To Become An Effective Principal Leader You'll Kick Yourself for Not Knowing

The whole process of leadership in schools has made significant advances, and today the education system has been revolutionized due to technological advances so how are you transforming your school looking towards the future?

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Maintaining the Conversation While Teaching Thematic Concepts

Classroom conversations are challenging because teachers are responsible for Increasing the stakes; while raising the bar on what students have been concentrating on, encouraging more students to participate in the discussion, and playing devil’s advocate to insert a new lens of learning.

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Making Use Of Discussion To Enhance Students' Literacy Achievement

It may take some time, but preparing for and leading a discussion are two of the essential strategies for developing students' thinking over time and increasing their ability to develop a deeper understanding of the texts they read.

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How Can We Intensifying Intellectual Exchange Among Students

What are you doing to evaluate the learner's progress in understanding a concept, skill, narrative, etc? There are at least three options for providing this assistance, start today!

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Starting A Dialogue Discussion With Students

Having a discussion with students allows teachers to gauge background knowledge, and identify how much they remember from a previous topic so in order to engage in deep discussion these things are necessary.

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Why Middle Schoolers Are Primed for Dialogic Discussion

As middle schoolers transition from preteens get ready to engage in discussion. Understand the developmental phase and make sure you recognize student triggers, experiment with different forms of communication, and take the small things seriously.

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6 Things About How Can Self-Study Benefit Your Students You'll Kick Yourself for Not Knowing

When students take a more hands-on approach to learning, motivation comes naturally giving them the opportunity to grow and use the curriculum as a guide to true learning pathways. How are you ensuring that each student has the ability to explore their passion?

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How to Create a Classroom that Meets the Needs of Adolescent Learners

Adolescents are pushed by two significant factors; first, their need for independence, and they are then drawn by their need for belonging so, YES, this should be your focus for the year.

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