The Most Innovative Things Happen With Student Voice And Agency are Included

Traditionally, students were not included in conversations that directly affected them even in the classroom setting but now School districts are incorporating student voice in everything they do!

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Teachers That Are Designing School Culture

Digital badges or micro-credentials is a way to recognize professionals who demonstrate skills and competence in specific areas of their field.

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Minority Teachers Struggle in Predominantly White Schools, Here is How to Support Them

Most of the teachers I know genuinely want to change the world but once we arrive in predominantly white schools we are faced with adversity.

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Can Students Resolve Everyday School Conflict?

Rather than punishing students, there has been ways that researchers have been looking into bringing in programs to not only bring down student conflict in schools, but to also give students tools to be able to handle conflict

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Why Should Teachers Focus on Using Bite-sized Chunks in the Classroom?

When teacher uses bite-sized chunks to share informational content everyone wins.  Students enjoy learning when teachers break an activity down into digestible pieces. 

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